Understanding Angular

What is Angular?

Angular stands as a robust platform and framework developed and maintained by Google, utilized for building single-page client applications. Its primary strength lies in its ability to combine declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges.

Types of Angular Versions

Angular has evolved through several iterations:

  • AngularJS (1.x): The initial version, known as AngularJS, introduced by Google in 2010, operated on JavaScript and pioneered the concept of two-way data binding. However, it faced limitations in terms of scalability and performance.
  • Angular (2+ onwards): Angular 2 marked a complete overhaul, introducing TypeScript as the primary language, a shift towards a component-based architecture, and a stronger emphasis on modern development practices. Subsequent versions like Angular 13 continue to refine and improve the framework.

Components of Angular vs AngularJS

Angular brings a more structured, component-based approach where everything is a component, enhancing modularity and reusability. AngularJS, in contrast, adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, relying on scopes and controllers.

Use of Directives Between Angular vs AngularJS

AngularJS heavily relies on directives for DOM manipulation and data binding. In contrast, Angular uses directives as the building blocks for components, enabling a more robust and scalable application architecture.

Why Choose Angular?

Angular offers a plethora of advantages such as improved performance, better modularity, and enhanced tooling. It facilitates building scalable applications due to its component-based architecture, facilitates easier maintenance, and allows for better testability through features like dependency injection.

Why Opt for AngularJS?

AngularJS, despite its limitations compared to newer versions, continues to be relevant for legacy systems and serves as an entry point for developers due to its simpler learning curve and broad community support.

Difference Between AngularJS and Angular Versions

AspectAngularJS (1.x)Angular (2+ onwards)
ArchitectureMVC (Model-View-Controller)Component-based architecture
SizeLarger file sizesSmaller, optimized file sizes
PerformanceSlower performanceImproved performance and faster rendering
Dependency InjectionLimited supportEnhanced dependency injection
Mobile SupportLimitedEnhanced mobile support
ToolingLimited toolingRich tooling and ecosystem

Advantages and Disadvantages of AngularJS and Angular Versions

AngularJS offers quicker development due to its mature ecosystem and larger community. However, Angular’s modern approach results in better performance, scalability, and maintainability despite a steeper learning curve.

Advanced Features of Angular

Angular comes with a plethora of advanced features that cater to various development needs. Here are some of the advanced features of Angular:

1. Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)

  • The Angular CLI provides a powerful command-line interface to scaffold, build, test, and maintain Angular applications efficiently.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal

  • Angular Universal enables server-side rendering for Angular applications. It pre-renders pages on the server, improving performance, SEO, and initial loading times.

3. Lazy Loading Modules

  • Lazy loading allows loading modules on demand, enhancing performance by reducing initial bundle size and speeding up the application load time.

4. RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) Integration

  • Angular embraces reactive programming with RxJS, enabling developers to manage asynchronous data streams, handle events, and manage state efficiently.

5. Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation

  • AOT compilation converts Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript during the build phase. This results in smaller bundle sizes and faster application startup.

6. Ivy Renderer

  • Ivy is Angular’s next-generation rendering engine, providing improved bundle sizes, faster compilation, enhanced debugging, and better performance.

7. Dependency Injection (DI)

  • Angular’s robust DI system helps manage dependencies efficiently, facilitating modular development and making applications more testable and maintainable.

8. Angular Forms (Reactive Forms and Template-Driven Forms)

  • Angular offers powerful form-building capabilities with two approaches: Reactive Forms, which provide a more flexible and scalable way to manage forms, and Template-Driven Forms, a simpler alternative for less complex forms.

9. NgRx for State Management

  • NgRx, built on top of RxJS, facilitates reactive state management in Angular applications, offering a Redux-inspired pattern to handle complex application state.

10. Angular Material

  • Angular Material is a library that provides pre-designed and pre-built UI components adhering to Material Design principles, allowing developers to create consistent and visually appealing interfaces.

11. Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) Support

  • Angular provides tools and APIs to make applications ready for internationalization and localization, allowing content to be presented in multiple languages and formats.

12. Component Dev Kit (CDK)

  • The CDK offers a set of tools and utilities for building custom, reusable components that comply with Angular’s design patterns and can be shared across different applications.

13. Testing Capabilities (Jasmine, Karma, Protractor)

  • Angular comes with various testing utilities such as Jasmine (for writing tests), Karma (for executing tests), and Protractor (for end-to-end testing), ensuring code reliability through comprehensive testing support.

14. Animation Support

  • Angular offers robust animation support with powerful APIs to create smooth and sophisticated animations within applications.

15. Web Workers and Service Workers Integration

  • Angular supports Web Workers for running scripts in background threads and Service Workers for providing offline capabilities and efficient caching strategies.

These advanced features empower developers to create sophisticated, scalable, and performant applications leveraging Angular’s rich ecosystem and capabilities. Integrating these features according to specific project requirements can significantly enhance the functionality and performance of Angular applications.

The Role of Angular and Its Developers

What Exactly is Angular? How Is It Related to AngularJS?

Angular is a complete rewrite and reimagining of AngularJS, preserving only the name and general purpose. It addresses the shortcomings of AngularJS and introduces modern practices for web development.

Who Uses Angular? Is It in High Demand?

Major tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and others, along with a vast array of startups and enterprises across various industries, utilize Angular for their web applications. The demand for skilled Angular developers remains high globally due to the framework’s popularity.

Angular Developer Responsibilities

Angular developers are responsible for crafting user interfaces, designing and implementing web applications, ensuring the integration of web services, and optimizing the application’s performance using Angular’s features and best practices.

Skills Required for an Angular Developer

Angular developers need to be proficient in TypeScript, possess strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and have a comprehensive understanding of Angular’s components, services, and directives. Soft skills like problem-solving and effective communication are also valuable.

Angular Developer Salary Expectations

The average salary of an Angular developer varies based on geographical location, years of experience, and skill level. Generally, Angular developers command a competitive salary due to the high demand for their expertise.

Becoming an Angular Developer

Steps to Become an Angular Developer

To become proficient in Angular development, aspiring developers should focus on mastering web development fundamentals, dive deep into TypeScript and Angular documentation, contribute to open-source projects, and continually update their skills to align with the latest trends and updates within the framework.

The Future of Angular

What Does the Future Hold for Angular?

The future of Angular appears promising, with regular updates, a vibrant community, and a focus on performance improvements and developer experience enhancements. Its versatility and adaptability bode well for its continued relevance in the web development landscape.


Angular, evolving from its predecessor AngularJS, has emerged as a powerhouse framework for building sophisticated, modern web applications. Its journey from AngularJS (1.x) to the latest Angular versions, with each iteration bringing significant enhancements, showcases its commitment to adaptability and innovation.

The architectural shift from MVC to a component-based structure in Angular represents a paradigmatic change, fostering better modularity, scalability, and maintainability in web development. TypeScript as the primary language further solidifies its robustness, enabling developers to write cleaner and more structured code.

The decision to choose between AngularJS and Angular hinges on project requirements, legacy system integration, and the learning curve for development teams. AngularJS still finds relevance in certain scenarios, providing a familiar landscape for developers transitioning to modern frameworks.

The demand for skilled Angular developers continues to soar globally. Companies across diverse industries leverage Angular for its robust capabilities, which in turn sustains the need for proficient Angular developers. Salaries for Angular professionals remain competitive, reflecting the high demand and value placed on their expertise.

For aspiring Angular developers, a strong foundation in web development fundamentals, coupled with a deep dive into Angular’s documentation and practical project experience, is crucial. Continuous learning and staying abreast of the framework’s updates and industry best practices are key to thriving in this domain.

Looking ahead, Angular’s future appears promising. Regular updates, community engagement, and a focus on performance optimizations underline its commitment to remaining at the forefront of web development. Its adaptability and comprehensive ecosystem position it as a framework of choice for creating innovative and scalable web applications in the foreseeable future.

In conclusion, Angular stands as a testament to the evolution of web development frameworks, offering a potent combination of performance, scalability, and developer-friendly features. Its journey from AngularJS to the current versions showcases its resilience and adaptability, making it an enticing choice for developers and enterprises seeking to build robust and future-proof web applications.